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For over 38 years, FME’s core practice has been geotechnical engineering. We employ a team of professional engineers, geologists, and engineering technicians who have performed geotechnical investigation and design on projects ranging from roadway pavements to building foundations. With our experienced personnel and understanding of the regional geology, we are able to provide clients with innovative and practical solutions to their geotechnical challenges.

FME’s field engineers and technicians have a detailed understanding of the technical and logistical aspects of drilling in various conditions, performing in-situ testing, and properly collecting field samples for testing in our AASHTO-accredited laboratory. Knowing their efforts are critical to providing effective and efficient engineering solutions, our field personnel perform thorough geotechnical investigations using the latest equipment and technology.

With decades of experiencing analyzing subsurface data, FME’s design engineers have a comprehensive knowledge of the prevailing geology, as well as the major factors that influence geotechnical analysis and design on a variety of projects. Our professionals stay current with the latest design standards and programs, and regularly develop geotechnical recommendations for foundations, retaining structures, slope stability, ground modifications, and pavements.